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Ghostie Baby

Made By Sunshine


-Unity Version : 2022.3.6f1-
-PoiyomiToon 8.0.272 & Poiyomi Toon 7.3.50-

Avatar Information

In-Game DL Size : 41.59 MB
Overall Performance : Very Poor
Texture Memory : 66.63 MB
Poly Count : 441,827
Mesh Count : 26
Material Slots : 49
Phys Bone Collision Count : 1254
PhysBone Components : 17
PhysBone Transform Count : 202
Bones : 264
PhysBone Collider Count : 13


I appolgize if she is on the heaver side even with the lack of outfits and such, she was orgianally
intended to be a personal since i dont mind too much about the size of my personal avis
but seeing all the love she was getting i wanted to share her with everyone !
so regardless i hope you enjoy and love her as much as i do <3

List Of Toggles

-HairSwap (Short->Long)
-Clothing Pink->Red
-Clothing Hueshift
*Mask Grabbable With Right Hand FIST
*Knife Grabbable With Left Hand FIST


Body - Zinpia (VRBase Egirl) MY EDIT | DONOT REUSE TY :> Head- Saikura (Umeko) MY EDIT | DONOT REUSE TY :>Outfit - Nessy! (HxnnyBun)Sleeves - Simi (EMA SET)Skirt - Fooly (Caged Skirt)LegWarmers(Edited) - Meeva (Warmers)Heels(Edited) - Nessy! (Blondie Heels)Ears - Nessy! (NITRO|KittyEars)Tail - FormulaRats (Fluffy Squirrel?? Tail)ShortHair - Saikura (Lisa)LongHair - Saikura (Kayako Saeki)Choker - BeanieBaby (NITRO|Velvet Bunny Suit)Necklace - Nessy! (Dainty Chain)Rings - Ryafalls (Stacked Rings)Glasses - Please if you know or are the one who made them i cannot find it so please let me know ! ;,> im so sorryyySkeleton & Heart - Meltingarmymen (Skeleton for Zin RP Base with glowing animated heart)GhostieBlanket | GhostieHood | GhostieMask | GhostieKnife | Garter | LilWangs | LilWangsHead | ThighSocks | Nails | Blink Animation | LilWangs Animation | KittyEars Animation | Tail Animation | - Made by Me ( Some available for purchase soon ! )

Avatar Information

Upload Instructions & Extra Notes

First , create a new project in VCC add VRCFury then open your project , import the latest version of
GoGoLoco and import that as well . Next import the supplied poiyomi and lastly import the "GhostieBaby"
unity package ! After that just sign in and simply upload the model <3 and ya done !! yay :3
Simple issuses you may or may-not come across :
-Make sure there's nothing in the blueprint ID under the avatar before trying to upload
-Make sure you dont add any aditional packages or add this package to an existing project
(could break this project or your previous one , start with a fresh project to avoid anything !)
-Please , Please , Please , make sure to import everything required or else the package wont
work properly so just make sure you follow the given instuctions and add everything needed !
(this most commonly happens with VRCFury ! this avatar HAS GoGo Loco you NEED VRCFury !)

if you have any other issues or questions please join our server !

If I forgot any credits please contact me via discord !sunshine.vr<3